Inspired Equine Assisted Learning CIC - Horses Helping

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Last Updated: 28/03/2024

Using Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) to improve mental and physical wellbeing, reduce social isolation and learn new skills. Our project allows you to attend IdEAL and experience the benefits of EAL and equine work-experience.

EAL can help with improving your confidence and self-esteem, enhancing your communication and relationship skills, reducing social isolation, and gaining real-world skills.

The project does not involve riding and no prior experience with horses or donkeys is required.

Therapeutic work with horses has been shown to:

  • Improve confidence and self-esteem
  • Reduce stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Enhance communication and relationship skills
  • Manage emotions and behavioural issues
  • Encourage nurturing skills and self-discipline
  • Develop focus, balance, and coordination skills
  • Provide a connection with nature and the environment

EAL is experiential, meaning service users learn by “doing” and the horse is a facilitator, a living breathing being who helps to direct the session, making it a unique combination of exercise, education, therapy, cooperation, and fun.

The horse activities are carried out in a safe, non-judgemental environment in a way that enhances wellbeing and encourages personal development. Working outside with horses also stimulates an appreciation of the countryside, conservation, wildlife and maintaining a sustainable natural environment for the horses and the local community.

This is good for wellbeing because

  • It helps improve confidence: Working with our horses may push people outside their comfort zone; but this rapidly improves their confidence and trust. Proving to themselves and their friends that they can influence a 3⁄4 ton horse with just their voice and body language is extremely empowering.
  • It helps improve communication: Seeking help, interviews, presentations, and discussions are activities which call directly upon communication skills. Our horses offer a unique way to explore this as accurate, consistent and well-timed communication and feedback is essential.
  • It helps control emotions: This skill is important as it ensures the ability to interact successfully with others and the physical world. The horse is extremely sensitive to the emotions of its handler; so the horse will actually encourage its handler to calm down and focus on the events taking place around them. As a prey animal, the horse will react negatively to a fearful, noisy, aggressive or disrespectful handler.

Builds my confidence. It’s really good here and I get great satisfaction from it and find it very relaxing.

How to contact

Where to go

Sunset Farm Mill Lane Fosdyke Boston
PE20 2BL

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