Gainsborough Autism Hub Music Group.

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Last Updated: 15/07/2024

SoundLINCS UpBEAT! is super excited to be working in partnership with Clip and the Gainsborough Autism Hub to bring you the new Gainsborough Autism Hub Music Group.

Groups are led by soundLINCS Music Facilitators Jane and Georgie. Georgie is Autistic and deeply passionate about the benefits of making and sharing Music and sessions are open to anyone 18 plus who are Autistic or awaiting diagnosis.

Please see all the details attached-the group meets fortnightly on a Tuesday from 4.30pm to 6.00pm and anyone interested can either pop along to a session or call or e-mail if they’d like further info.

How to contact

Where to go

Gainsborough Uphill Community Centre
Riseholme Road
West Lindsey
DN21 1NJ

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