Are you a resident looking to get out and be more active? Do you enjoy giving to others and socialising? Our produce we grow is used to supply other social projects in the community.
It is with great pleasure that we are now able to announce we have secured funding through NHS Linc and Lincolnshire County Council to deliver a weekly adult gardening club, right here at our premises in Boston.
We are a social enterprise, based in the heart of Boston in a market garden and established fruit orchard. We have a passion for improving community support, cohesion and opportunity. The company has been formed to provide access to learning and training, based around fruit, flower and vegetable production as well as general horticultural principles. The business responds to a need for Therapeutic Horticulture that is accessible to a wide range of community groups. These include, adults with existing mental health needs, long term unemployed, as well as children in full and part time education and other members/groups within the wider community. We also work with local businesses and their employees, providing away days and corporate events.
Our adult gardening club is an opportunity for residents and businesses in the locality to join us and help with our mission to grow and provide better access to fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers for adults in the community. Through doing this, we aim to support and improve individuals general well being and mental health.
Our gardening club runs Mondays & Thursdays 10am - 3pm including refreshments. We run in all weathers so appropriate footwear and clothing are advised, whilst booking is essential. This course is funded by NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, Lincolnshire County Council, NHS Lincolnshire Foundation Trust, Lincolnshire Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Transformation. We also welcome donations from local businesses and working partnerships.
This is good for wellbeing because
- It helps people to get active.
- It gets people out into nature and helps with socialising.
- All the food we grow is donated back to local projects, for the benefit of the wider community.
Getting out into the garden and having a space I can be in a quiet and relaxed environment has helped my mental health and general well being so much. These classes give me a purpose to my days and I look forward to attending each week.
How to contact
Where to go
84 Spilsby Road
PE21 9NS
How to contact
Where to go
84 Spilsby Road
PE21 9NS