Lincoln Women's Wellbeing Group

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Last Updated: 15/07/2024

Lincoln Women’s Wellbeing Group seeks to offer opportunities for a safe space for women mainly through slow walking accessing the countryside and local country parks offering an opportunity for making friends and new connections helping physical and mental wellbeing.

It is suitable for all levels of fitness as it is slow walking in small numbers, and no one is left alone.

Walks are scheduled at different locations - information available from our Facebook page.

This is good for wellbeing because

  • Accessing the fresh air and countryside helps promote enhance both physical and mental well being.
  • It seeks to create connection and reduce social isolation.
  • It is a safe space for women who may prefer an all-female group.

After feeling isolated both before and during covid, by joining the wellbeing walks I’ve felt much better and have met some new people along the way.

I’ve been recovering from an ongoing illness and have enjoyed the slow walking group getting out in the fresh air and countryside at a pace I can manage.

How to contact

Social media

Where to go

East Lindsey District

West Lindsey

North Kesteven

South Kesteven

South Holland


City of Lincoln

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