We are hosting regular events both weekly and monthly for people to get together, join in activities, enjoy social interaction, this includes refreshments, quizzes, games. They are friendly groups with no regular commitment necessary.
Elizabeth Court, Louth - Every Wednesday 2.00pm -3.30pm (50p for non-residents)
The Coastal Centre, Mablethorpe - held monthly (see poster for details), 10am-12pm (£1.00)
This is good for wellbeing because
- This group is encouraging people to participate in social interaction which aids their overall wellbeing.
- It gives them the opportunity to take part in different activities which are stimulating and can give them an outlet and learn something new which could become a new hobby.
- Support through a group setting gives people the opportunity to discuss their worries or concern in an open non judgemental environment where they feel listened to and valued. We can then give further support or signpost when relevant. People who have been bereaved can empathise with each other and we have found that they find comfort and support at our groups.
This is the first group I have joined since losing my husband. I found it hard coming the first week but was given a very warm welcome and have been every week since. I now look forward to it each week which had made such a difference to me.
How to contact
Where to go
Elizabeth Court
Church Street
East Lindsey
LN11 9BP
The Coastal Centre
Victoria Road
East Lindsey
LN12 2AQ
How to contact
Where to go
Elizabeth Court
Church Street
East Lindsey
LN11 9BP
The Coastal Centre
Victoria Road
East Lindsey
LN12 2AQ