Gainsborough Cancer Support Group

Back to Support
Last Updated: 15/07/2024

Our group is a supportive, inclusive group for people who are/have been affected by cancer in any way. We meet once a month for a tea, coffee and chat session to share experiences and offer each other support. There is a Macmillan representative at each meeting.

The group meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month, 10am-12pm, at The Venue, Roses Sport Ground.

You can find more information about cancer services and support in Lincolnshire on the Connect to Support website here.

This is good for wellbeing because

  • It offers people affected by cancer to chat informally about their worries with people who have had similar experiences.
  • It has a Macmillan representative to signpost people on for further help.
  • It boosts morale through sharing experiences and being helped, and given the chance to help others.

Coming to the group has changed my life because I am with people who know exactly how I feel. I can say what I want and they understand without me having to explain. I can talk about my worries with people who aren't my family and who have felt the same fear as me.

How to contact

Where to go

The Venue
Roses Sport Ground
North Warren Rd
West Lindsey
DN21 2TU

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