We provide support to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Lincolnshire every day of the week, all year; our emergency and supported housing is delivered in precisely the same way, 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
It cares for more than 170 people at any one time and more than 400 people each year, providing advice and guidance, enrichment, support for the development of life skills, mental and physical wellbeing improvements, and more. Our skilled and compassionate team walk with the people most in-need on every step of their journey to independent living and the full realisation of their potential.
Get HAPI will support people experiencing homelessness with accessible, effective ways of understanding, managing and improving mental wellbeing. With four strands, they will have the freedom to choose what works for them from the following: professionally-led therapeutic interventions, resident led group support, professionally coordinated meaningful activities, and independently self-managed positive change.
While there will be particular focus on residents who we know are at greater risk of suicide (from context, or responsively as risk increases – e.g. those on our Suicide Prevention Plans) we will ensure Get HAPI can be accessed by all those facing significant mental health challenges – the majority of people in our housing.
We have direct access to the people who need this project through our emergency and supported accommodation; the majority of these people are experiencing a range of mental health challenges and, without us and without creative interventions such as this, would not have the tools and opportunities to effectively manage and reduce their extremes of poor mental health of their risk of suicide. The majority of the people we support do not have the right networks, external professional connections, or existing resilience to ensure their safety, so this project has been designed to contribute positively to this.