Lincolnshire Action Trust - Women RISE

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Last Updated: 15/07/2024

Women RISE supports women that struggle with their mental health and wellbeing alongside being in contact with the criminal justice system.

This vital service works one to one and in groups with those that need help to develop positive and healthy lifestyles which leads to an improvement in mental health and wellbeing.

This is good for wellbeing because

  • We plan to support women that have had or are at risk of coming into contact with the criminal justice system as an ongoing development of our current service in East Lindsay. Focusing our resources in this way will help us to support those that most need such services and that are most likely to be furthest away from urban centres where support services tend to be concentrated. We know that East Lindsey in particular experiences higher levels of health inequality than many of the other areas in Lincolnshire which is why we would like to develop this service in that location.
  • Lincolnshire Action Trust have been working with individuals impacted by poor mental health and poor wellbeing for 23 years. We have extensive experience of working at a local community level with those most likely to experience disadvantage through our practitioners, who frequently meet with people in community venues and have experience of supporting those that that struggle to engage with other services.
  • All of our staff receive an induction which includes Safeguarding training and an introduction to
    working with people that experience multiple disadvantage. We support training through a combination of taught learning, observation and experience. Our Practitioners receive monthly supervision, annual appraisal and regular observation of practice. We refresh our safeguarding training annually with all staff. Our volunteers and mentors also receive training and support and are subject to regular meetings and supervisions with supervisors.

How to contact

Where to go

Lincolnshire Action Trust Lincoln House 37-39 Newland Lincoln
East Lindsey

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