Toolbar Bourne

Back to Support
Last Updated: 15/10/2024

Provides free support to Adults over 18 years, who are currently unemployed.

Toolbar offer free confidential help with updating CV's, interview technique, computer job search assistance, small business setup and business plans.

All this is done in a friendly way with free tea and coffee.

Assist with CV preparation, letters of application, interview skills, career planning, self-employment, and universal credit applications.

Access to appropriate on-line training and qualifications (cost dependent).

Provide latest vacancies listing from the Job Centre, local online lists and up-to-date copies of local weekly newspapers.

Free access to the Internet for job searches and Job Centre updates.

Offer an opportunity for clients to relax o er free tea or coffee; weekly access to Universal Fitness at a discounted cost.

This is good for wellbeing because

  • Toolbar Bourne helps to build your self-confidence in your own abilities.
  • It is good because it is a safe space to be were the volunteers are there to encourage you to do your best.
  • Helps to promote a sense of purpose and make connections.

How to contact

Where to go

Bourne Football Club
Abbey Lawns
Abbey Road
South Kesteven
PE10 9EN

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