Victim Support are a charity that provides free, independent and confidential support to anyone affected by crime or traumatic events in England and Wales, including those who have not experienced crime directly, but their friends, family and any other people involved.
Victim Support Lincolnshire is independent of the police, local authority, and the government.
How does crime affect people?
Everyone is different and therefore crime will affect people in different ways. One of the things that can make a crime really hard to cope with is knowing it was done deliberately by another person. Unlike an accident or illness, people who commit a crime intend to cause some sort of harm. The effects of crime can also last for a long time, and it doesn’t depend on how ‘serious’ the crime was.
Some people cope really well with the most horrific crimes while others can be very distressed by a more minor incident.
We support people who have experienced various crimes such as antisocial behaviour, assault, burglary, fraud, hate crime, stalking.
While we can assist with most types of crime, we do not support victims of domestic abuse or adult victims of sexual violence. Instead, we would signpost and refer to specialist services (LDASS, EDAN).
We do have a specialised area within Victim Support Lincolnshire, called ‘The Castle Service’, which provides specialist services for children and young people under 18 years old who are victims of sexual offences, including rape, sexual abuse, child sexual exploitation, and more.
The Castle Service is run by our Children and Young People’s Sexual Violence Advocates (CHISVAs), who work to help children cope and move forward from their experiences, whether that is recent or historic.
Our local contact information for Victim Support Lincolnshire:
01522 542687 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)
[email protected]
The Castle Service:
01522 542687 (Monday to Friday 9am-5pm)
National 24/7 Support Available:
• Support Line 08 08 16 89 111 – this is a free service
• Our free Live Chat service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, where you can receive immediate support (https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/live-chat/).
• My Support Space is a free online resource/mobile app containing interactive guides aimed at helping people to manage the impact crime has had on them with over 70 guides. This resource is for 16 years and above (https://www.mysupportspace.org.uk/).
• You can refer into our services by emailing [email protected]. We can only contact the service users if we have received explicit consent for us to do so.
• Service users can self-refer and request support via our website (https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/help-and-support/get-help/request-support/). A member of our team will respond to them within three working days.
• If you are not sure if a referral is for us, please call and we can help 01522 542687.
This is good for wellbeing because
How we can help
- We are here to help anyone affected by crime. Not only those who experience it directly, but also their friends, family and any other people involved. It doesn’t matter when the crime took place, or whether you’ve reported it to the police.
- You can get our help at any time, 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
- We are independent from the police, and our support is free and confidential.
Help you feel safer and more secure
- Feeling unsafe after crime is normal.
- We can help you to complete a safety plan, and give you advice and information to feel more secure.
- We will also work with other organisations for you if we think your immediate safety needs to be improved.
Help you to explore ways to cope
- Our staff and volunteers are trained to listen, offer feedback and provide information.
- They can help make sense of what you’ve been through and explore your options to help you regain feelings of control.
- We provide a safe, neutral place for you to voice your fears, worries and emotions.
- This helps a lot of people to cope and move forward after a crime.
I just wanted to write to you to thank you for all the help and support you provided me with within that time.
I will never be able to explain to you how grateful I am for you, your knowledge, and resources.
I can confirm that I am in a much better place today and couldn’t have got there without your help in the beginning.
How to contact
Where to go
Victim Support
Offices 10-11
Autumn Park Business Centre
Autumn Park
Dysart Road
South Kesteven
NG31 7EU
How to contact
Where to go
Victim Support
Offices 10-11
Autumn Park Business Centre
Autumn Park
Dysart Road
South Kesteven
NG31 7EU